Friday, May 27, 2011

The Magic of Lotto

I was never a fan of Lotto, sweepstakes and the like. But don't get me wrong, I am not against it. In fact, I believe it's a great way of spending that tiny amount of money (knowing it won't just go to the PCSO's incumbent officers' pockets)
I would always rant about mom randomly pointing her fingers at those numbers in the calendar, making her look like a completely lost child. She wouldn't stop there. She would constanly ask me of birthdates, anniversaries, favorite number as a child, ages of whos, numbers I may have dreamt of and whatnot. She would even ask me to add and multiply and subtract and divide crazy figures so we'd come up with a number found on that lotto paper or whatever you call it, and that's how she make her combinations. Ooh how wonderful of an effect this Lotto brings about to the mother-daughter relationship.
The Grand Lotto jackpot prize today reaches the  amount of P315M.... Let me say that again, P315M! ! ! ! Did that sink in deep enough to make you fly to the moon and play Richie Rich?
So what to do with that big big Big BIG (gasp) big amount of prize? They say the root of all evil is MONEY. If that’s the case, then I think no one should win the lottery jackpot prize. If one more evil is added to earth or Philippines for that matter, I swear the Divine Being up there will come rushing down and pronounce our doom.
“I am the Lotto Winner”, had that label hanging around your neck like those name tags you wore during the first days of Kindergarden, you would be world’s favorite (in all aspects, if you know what I mean)
What’s great about Lotto is that it generates hope to all who patronizes the game.  It gives them this feeling that their dreams are actually appearing true by means of it. Isn’t that rewarding enough?
I am not really sure what this write-up is getting at, but I guess all I want to say is that, though I may also have dreams and desires of winning the jackpot prize (ok, there must be some miracle for this to happen because I have never played Lotto and sweepstakes), my BIGGEST hope is that whoever wins the lotto, may this very very very lucky person share the blessings especially those who may need it and spend the money wisely. Otherwise, the god of LUCK would condemn you.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


My mind and heart went hand in hand in search for the perfect last minute out-of-town getaway. Summer is almost over (in few days it is -- it doesn't even feel the country is still in that season with all the heavy rain pouring almost all day and night -- though I can't say I didn't like it, it saved electricity in the house because I didn't have to open the A/C anymore) and I haven't taken a dip in the beach.. or even the cheapest and nearest pool, for that matter.

So I went online, and when I was just about to hit the keyboard with letters T-O-U-R P-A-C-K-A-G-E-S, I just had a change of heart. I googled for some interesting local news. Just wanted to see what kind of trouble Filipinos are stirring up now (not that it's some kind of new thing to me. I actually would almost *NOT* believe if the Filipinos are behaving very well)
So much for the Ta-Da part, let me tell you what I think about the article I chanced upon (or consciously looked for, here's the link ->

Guess what? Morato is still clinging on the spotlight. He had not left, and don't think he will anytime soon, despite the fact that his time is nigh (or that's at least everyone's Christmas wish every year) and all he *should* be worrying about is how he can leave a good memory of him that is actually worth remembering. He still thinks he's the same star shining the brightest up in the sky. Well, inasmuch as I want to live that beautiful dream of his, I am just too honest to say -- Morato, give up the throne. It no longer suits you. Rest now, and just enjoy your remaining years. You have been working so hard all your life.

As Morato continues to pest Juico with stupid crazy im-not-so-sure-about-it-but-im-gonna-say-it-anyway statements, the smart ones who wholeheartedly accepted the gift of wise thinking have put Morato's world in the middle of the circle they have formed themselves, burnt it while hollering with strips of animal blood in their faces like a ritual. OK, that was too ghoulish. Point is, he made a great impact that people are pushed to ponder and examine more the allegations he fires away everytime. And the more people do this, the more they realize that Morato is just a sucker for attention, probably undergoing some mental disorder due to his old age (which again leads me back to that unsolicited advice for Morato telling him to stop thinking about too much. Honestly, he can just take the forever day off and cruise with his lover or dog (if one actually managed to keep up with him) and the world wouldn't even care.

“We are operating at a loss. In fact, we are banned at the National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI) and Philippine Heart Center, because of the unpaid credits that the previous administrator had left,”, said Juico. I am quite sure this answers the issue on death and failing health of 31 kidney transplant patients.

Had the *previous* administration been honest and casted away corruption, these unfortunate ones will receive what is due them.

So why is Morato picking on Juico's administration ALONE. Is the administration under him was played clean the point he is getting at? None of his arraignments suggest even a bit of that point. He complains about almost everything, but what do you expect? He is an unhappy man who never settled for anyone for believing no one is good enough for him. He's just the only best man living. No one equals to his level.

“Huwag na daw tulungan ang may cancer na Stage 4 na, total mamamatay na din daw." DAW. DAW. DAW. looks to me as if there is no close family ties among the Moratos. So this words were actually uttered by Morato's pamangkin, how come Manoling, the very Uncle of this unnamed pamangkin-- the Manoling who seems to know about everything under the sun, does not know who said what. The pamangkin could have just called his uncle and told him directly about this brilliant idea of his, but he then decided to head trip and imagine vividly that it was actually Juico saying those words. It only goes to show that the mental illness runs in their blood.

"Another issue that Morato hurled at PCSO was the P20,000 medical assistance limit that they give each patient" OK, but this was agreed and signed by Morato and his board members. So I don't really get it why he is ranting on Juico like a 7-year-old boy who didn't get his favorite toy because his mom refused to buy it.

This Morato-phrenia is really getting serious. Any doctor who discovers a cure for this will definitely make a fortune. Imagine curing the disease that poisons and pollutes the minds of the Filipinos so they believe him and join his I'm-not-so-sure-but-I'm-gonna-say-it-anyway campaign --- ohh such bliss for the wise men of Philippines.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Philippines, where are you headed?

Who would have thought that the Year 2011 would start out with crazy issues and lots of useless whingeing of people who have nothing to do? It's been almost 5 months now and we are still on the same phase. (whoever said phase was just temporary had never tried living in PI) I still haven't gotten over the smoke from illegal firecrackers from new year's eve yet, now we have smoke billowing from public transport explosions, adding to the haze that an already dazed and confused Philippine population is struggling to see through (No, I'm not promoting RH BILL here. I will get to that issue next time I write) Carnappings with murder are like cartoons flashed on the telly every waking day, assassinations of journalists have become a hobby of no-good filthy rich big shots who try to beat the sh*t out of them by the write-ups (uh-oh -- that's what I have in mind right now. I love you Mommy and Daddy!), bombings of public utility vehicles; it’s just another regular day in this lawless land called the Philippines.

You might ask why is there an increase in crime rate. There is nothing really alarming about what is
happening in our country. Truth out, when you have a leader like the one we have (who is.. well,infeebled) ;
bad things will rise to the occasion. Organized crime suddenly gets more imprudent as an unsuspecting public
let their guard down thinking that their holier-than-thou President will attract goodness. Unfortunately,
this whole “goody-two-shoes” act by Philippine President Noynoy Aquino (PNoy) just makes him look like a pushover. With the incident just happened recently where Macalinao was shot dead in Bay, Laguna province, pushing him to his limits is exactly what criminals have planned, and so far, things are going smoothly for them. Good Job!

Aside from having an uninspiring leader, low anticipation of adversity and conviction rates adds up to the
increase in crime rate. For all we know, the low apprehension rate might even be accountable for the
allegation that some "trusted" members of the Philippine National Police (PNP) or the Philippine military may
be in on the ignominious acts of violence. And even in cases when criminals get lucky and do get caught, the
courts are often inefficient (or too corrupt) to punish them. In other words, impunity or exemption is the
name of the game. The government’s plunder case against former military comptroller Carlos Garcia is case in point. For reasons blurry as hell, Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez who handled the case allowed the retired general to post bail and possibly get away with plunder even when the case against Garcia was strong. It’s another legal wrangling favoring the accused.

Unemployment also contributes to the growth in criminal activity. PNoy’s promise of “walang corrupt, kung
walang mahirap” fails to be in reality because poverty drives most people in outrageous situations to do
callous acts just to survive. As long as PNoy does not implement any radical measures to provide more jobs
for the growing number of jobless Filipinos, criminal activities will grow along with it. The high crime rate
in the country also directs to a growing need for private armies or “hired goons”. Those who feel that they
are required to hire private armies include lawmakers or public servants because their political rivals have
a watchful eye on them. Im sure the latter have no qualms about eliminating their opponents. Unfortunately,
this sick situation makes our lawmakers less motivated to find solutions to crime that are actually
effective, and I mean EFFECTIVE!!! To add up to these terrible happenings in my beloved country, private
armies, which often perform without proper guardianship and supervision, are most likely to commit abuses and violence themselves.

Our society, sad to say, is under threat by bad elements that are taking over our country-- slowly but
SURELY. The rest of the Filipinos however would just take this urgent situation as something that is
“worthless and unimportant”. They would worry and trouble themselves thinking about it for a day but party
the next because they would rather leave it up to heaven's will. I probably would try the practice. Good
timing, I can worry about it today and forget about it tomorrow. Friday seems like a perfect day to unwind

Monday, May 23, 2011

Glimpse to my thoughts

I just had my late night bite and was ready to hit the sack when I saw Juico being flashed on the television.

It was a face to face with Kaibigang Boy Abunda. SO i told to myself, “A couple more hours staying up won’t hurt. This sure is worth it and interesting!”

I’ve got my eyes peeled with the Juico and Morato issue as I know the latter has a bomb to drop every time and this just brought out the inquisitive side of me.

The Chairperson of PCSO was put to spotlight to answer all the questions and accusations against her, mainly by Manay Manoling — the forever shining gay in armor of the poor (as he claims it).

For some reason, I decided to write my thoughts in regards to this issue. In retrospect, I had lousy experiences with blogsites and social sites and whatnot. But I felt that Manay Manoling has gone past fighting for what he “believes” is wrong. He has berated Margie Juico harshly. So, what is it really with you Manoling? Mahirap yatang mambatikos ng ganoon kung walang malalim na pinanghuhugutan, hindi ba?


1.PCSO is down with BANKCRUPTCY issue? 
Bankruptcy is when you spend more than what you are earning. That is not happening in PCSO. As explained by Juico, for every lotto ticket bought by an individual, 30 cents goes to the charity. 15 cents  for operating funds and 55 cents is solely for the PRICE (which is never touched). The first two can be used in the place of each other. Imagine how many Filipinos come to heel in all Lotto outlets. And one Filipino does not only pay for a single ticket. PCSO has money. A LOT. Juico already broadcasted that fact. Long before Juico became the Chairperson, there is already a BILLION debt. WOW! Whose pocket did it go? or pockets perhaps? I started in 2005, but now getting better because PCSO under Juico’s administration managed to do streamlining and they definitey have financial discipline. They were able to save 27M / month just by renegotiation in paper. Good Job Madame Margie.

2. Rationalization and Shuffling as Internal Problems
PCSO, just like any company would do, think of maximizing their employee’s talents. It was found out that everytime a new board joins the team, this person would always bring casual agent/s who is/are supposed to be co-terminous unless their appointment is justified. As of the moment, PCSO has over 400 casuals. That’s a big number. And you don’t pay people who don’t really do their job, right? I am sure everyone who is reading this would agree with me.
Reshuffling? A footage of Manay Manoling was included in the show asking why would PCSO transfer its employees to offices far from where they live. He also stressed that this action would mean spending more money. Yes, very true. But you are not the only person who has his brain working, Manoling. Did you think Juico and the rest of the team were not as good as you to be not able to perceive the consequences? WOW! Employees were transferred only if it was necessary, and no, not to places very far from their homes. Where did that come from?

3.The transfer from QI to PICC
When PCSO was moved to QI from San Marcelino, the transition reports included Certificates of Soundness and Integrity, Engineer consultants were being asked for advice as the building had structural defects. This pushed Juico to call the secretary of DPWH to inquire about this matter. As recommended, it was better to just demolish it. Juico being humane and responsible for all the people under her transferred the office to PICC as soon as possible, which I think was a wise decision rather than risk the lives of her employees. Any leader would do the same, unless you have no regard to life.

4.QI to be turned into Condominium units 
Manay Manoling would just shoot out allegations even if they were not founded yet. First, he said it was Ayala Land that was interested. Now, it’s Alex Lopez who is a close friend of Popoy. Manoling, you should know that everytime you create assumptions, you jeopardize your credibility MORE.

5. The transfer of funds to UCPB
UCPB is now accredited and allowed to handle funds from PCSO, but not all the funds were put to the said bank. Just a small amount, only because it offered bigger interest, which is reasonable and legal I believe. And this was a decision made by the whole board members. It was a collective decision. It was said clearly in the interview that  placements like this should be approved by the whole board members. Just come to think of it, if it was a decision made by Juico alone, I am confident to say that the first ones who will react will be her board members. Makes sense?

6.Why Margie Juico?
With 12 years of experience, I think it’s safe to say that Margie is the perfect person for the post. Need I say more? The President wouldn’t be the president for nothing, so trust when he appoints someone. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with assigning people on a particular role, so long as that person is capable to do the job. Clearly, Juico is effective. She’s just festered by some gay who always wanna be a diva. GIVE HER A BREAK MANAY!

7. Issue on CHildhouse
Emotional hostage it is! First off, they were advised to relocate. Communication between Childhouse and Juico didn’t happen once. There was verbal communication followed by a written one. What else was needed to get the message???

8.PCSO encourages a gambling culture?
Are you serious??? It gives people something to do and something to hope for. Without PCSO, where would our corrupt government get the budget to help those who are in need. Put it this way, your P20 actually goes a long way. You know part of that small amount you shed will aid those who are unprivilaged. And it allows you to have something to look forward to. Isn’t that great? At the end of the day, even if you didn’t win the jackpot price or the small cash winnings, you know in your heart that your money didn’t get stuck up in the cash drawer. It benefited someone. And then you wake up the next day with new hopes and dreams and well… a good heart that is willing and ready to help…

Well, I have to hit the sack now. I have a job I love so much and I sure don’t wanna come to work feeling all sleepy and cranky (I can really be cantankerous when I don’t get enough sleep.. or a good sleep at least)

PLUS! I don’t want this issue to consume the entire me tonight. That would mean nightmare (because Manay Manoling would be in it) :)

Your opinions and comments are very much welcome! Even yours, Sir Manoling.

Good Night!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Hail to the man who knows it all

For those of you who haven’t heard of him (though this may sound ridiculous as this guy or rather “gay” has always been present at almost every issue – but what the heck, com’on, just for the sake of introducing him. He likes attention anyways), Manuel Morato, a public figure in the Philippines who claims he is a “philanthropist” or someone who has a heart for the humanity (I nearly died laughing when I first heard of this). This 78-year-old bachelor came from a very rich family (ohh yes, define RICH) so obviously he never really understood the absolute meaning of poverty, which leads me to another revelation about Manay Manoling that he could never possibly embrace the values that he is putting up for the show – JUST FOR THE SHOW.

There is this saying, “The most successful politician is he who says what the people are thinking most often in the loudest voice.” In the case of Manay Manoling, who lost his presidential candidacy to Erap, he does not speak in behalf of the people but only favors his own logic which muddles the issues. Given all the information the people have managed to dig up however, Manay Manoling still comes out clean and all saint-y.  

If you will pay attention to those personalities who grumble about almost all the arguments and concerns in the country, these are established hot shot who have excessive need for attention and approval. I just gave away a perfect living example in the name of Manuel Morato. It doesn’t take a stretch of imagination to understand that this gay has a Histrionic personality – so much for queen of controversies. Kris Aquino should be threatened now because some fag is desperately climbing up that throne she owns. OMG!
How would you expect someone to completely grasp the word FULFILLED LIFE if he himself still belongs under the status Bachelor. His stratagem is like “I’m rich, filthy rich! I have everything I need. A wife? Ohh no, who needs one if …… (you are free to supply the next word. HAHAHA – that laugh should put something in your mouth).

This explains why he is so passionate about his claims, never mind his choice of words or what people will think of him or the feelings of whoever he is impugning. This gay can contravene beyond HUMANLY POSSIBLE.

Unsolicited advice to Manay Manoling, simple and straight to the point – SHUT UP AND …… SHUT UP!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Morato's perfect world

Morato seems to be having interest on replacing Mother Teresa as someone who has a heart for the poor. Only, with the latter, it is genuine.
When I read about how Morato attacked Juico, the article almost killed me. Who is this speaking again? Manoling Morato? Really?

How heroic this Morato could be.. Showing concern to the less fortunate people because the money that is supposed to be used to attend to their needs is now being used to pay the rent at PICC. SERIOUSLY? So he has a heart for the poor but no heart for those who works for PCSO? It is a given fact that QI is possible to crumble and the foundation of the building is weakened by its old age.
Nepotism -- so what if Juico's brother supplies the wheelchairs to the PCSO? What harm will it cause if Popoy is made the head of PR funds? How injurious is that their son, Vincent, is appointed as chief of staff? OK, so this may look as if there was some preferential treatment going on.. but what if these people are actually being of help and effective on their roles? Don't they deserve some credits rather than looking at this as bias decision? I don't think Margie Juico would imperil her name by putting wrong people on this big positons especially they carry one name, one bloodline, one family. She knows for a fact that the public eyes are on her and those who are under her shadow.

This could be Heroic and Nepotism, but only on Morato's logic...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

People's advocate or Defenders of Corruption?

This issue did not even surprise me. I mean, come on, this is not the first time something like this becomes the headline in a newspaper that no matter how the topic may seem big, in reality, it looks as usual as those guys in uniform you find on the streets collecting "kotong" from the poor jeepney / taxi drivers. What a shame.

The agreement is obviously detrimental to the Filipinos as it completely went against the principles of constitution and gave the impression that our country is but a corrupt.

While the plea bargain serves advantages to both parties, it still is belligerent. Why? Because this allows the criminals to have less charges and penalties than what they should and MUST have. Isn't it that the purpose of punishments like this is to teach the criminal a lesson (that's just one of the many intentions it should fulfill). Tell me, does justice still exist?

These 3 accused judges would rather fight it out and exhaust all ways possible just to save their asses, knowingly they are guilty as charged.

It sure violated the Rules of Court. And it sure made the people of this country become more untrusting of their defenders.... or rather, their "SUPPOSED-TO-BE-DEFENDERS" .....

Talk about Credibility

While Morato attacks Juico in such a way a loutish person would, I will deliver my piece in a sophisticated and well-mannered approach.

Looks like Manoling has a say about almost everything. He speaks for everyone and reacts as quick as thunder to every issue he feels like bastardizing. He criticizes beyond his sphere of knowledge just for the sake of saying something and going public. Frankly, he should be in Tahrir square joining the demonstrations happening there, so his thoughts and words and actions are properly attended.

He talks with no regard to the other person. His reasons and claims are viewed in one single angle only, which makes them unaceptable and irreliable.