Tuesday, June 14, 2011

ooh Cebu, I am coming for you!

I am booked to Cebu and it’s actually my first trip outside Luzon. So thought I’d search for the best places I can go to when I get there. You know, it’s not everyday that you get a chance to have your leave approved, so might as well enjoy it and EXPLORE it to the FULLEST, right?

Well, I can’t say much about the city yet. But I read some blogs about it and it made me even more excited to experience life in Cebu.

GOAL: To make my 3-day stay legendary. It would be a lovely indulgence.

My best friend, Mary, lives in this beautiful city of Cebu. She told me lots of things about her hometown. The good, the bad and the bad that makes it so good. Being her friend for almost half of my life, I can really tell as early as now that I am going to love the people in Cebu. Though I am bit nervous as this is my first flight out, I just know it’s going to be awesome! This is definitely a to-die-for trip!

From wikipedia:

The City of Cebu (Cebuano: Dakbayan sa Sugbo) is the capital city of Cebu and the second city in the Philippines, the second most significant metropolitan centre in the Philippines and known as the oldest city established by the Spaniards in the country.
The city is located on the eastern shore of Cebu and was the first Spanish settlement in the Philippines. Cebu is the Philippines' main domestic shipping port and is home to about 80% of the country's domestic shipping companies. Cebu also holds the second largest international flights in the Philippines and is a significant centre of commerce, trade and industry in the Visayas and Mindanao region. According to the 2009 LGPMS census, the city has a population of about 822,628 people.”

I leave this Saturday, 18th of June, 6am and return on the evening of Monday, 20th. I will be staying in Shangri-La Mactan, the room is beach front. Oooh just the thought of it activates my happy hormones already. I can feel every cell there is in my system leaping for joy while dressed in best beach attire. It’s like the cells want to suck life out of the life in me and be on their own. That is how excited they are. And me.

I managed to make a list of what I want to (try to) do and places I want to visit as soon as I land my feet on Cebu ground.

Ø      Skywalk
Ø      Edge coaster
Ø      Street foods
Ø      Cebuano cuisine (Lechon would be the 1st on my list)
Ø      Night life
Ø      Falls
Ø      Beaches
Ø      Sky diving (Kontiki Divers)
Ø      Churches / Temples
Ø      Theaters / cinemas

I am not sure if the list is even doable. I mean, my 3-day stay in Cebu is not enough to delve into all there is to explore.

But just the same, I feel it’s going to be perfect. I will let you know how my little adventure went in the next blog I write.

Now excuse me while I prepare my things and pack my bag. Talk about being EXCITED. HA!

So long!

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