Friday, June 3, 2011

A dose of his own medicine: MANOLING MORATO

The recent happenings in the Philippines are really alarming – and depressing. But this is not something that happened for the first time. I wonder how hard it is for the media to air news on televisions and radios, as well as journalists to write in the newspapers, magazines and whatnot, bringing their viewers, listeners and readers  information the Filipinos should not be proud of.  Our broadcasting industry should really begin to look deep within itself and see if it’s doing this country any good, or harm.
Looks like the ever dashing Queen wanna-be Manuel Morato got a dose of his own medicine. So, he’s been enjoying the all-time hobby of propeling false allegations through the air. The poor Margie Juico had been receiving all it in a manner as a well-educated person would take it.
But Colmenares wouldn’t let Morato’s turn to be on the hotseat slide. PCSO in P50-B anomalous contracts? What is this?
“Bayan Muna party-list Rep. Neri Javier Colmenares revealed that an approximately P42-billion worth of thermal paper contract was entered into by PCSO and an Australian company TMA. The contract had a life span of 50 years. “
Who was behind this? Manuel Morato, the former PCSO chairperson.
What in the world was he thinking? 50 years is such a long, long, long, (gasp) long time. Many things can happen in those years. Filipinos could invent or level on the quality products the Australian company TMA is offering. If I am not mistaken, Morato claims to be a humanitarian. And I believe if he really is this person, then Filipinos will be the very first “humans” on his list.
“Morato explained that even if thermal papers quality improves in the next 50 years, TMA will be the pioneering company to produce such since they are the global leader in thermal papers.”
"They are the best in the world, walang ilalabas na pera ang PCSO, sila gagastos sa P3 billion plant na itatayo nila, bababaan nila presyo, at lahat ng benta all over the world, may commission na 20% ang PCSO," he added.
Where is your faith to your people? You say you are the voice of the Philippine mankind, but did you not hear them cry out loud begging for “JOBS”?
Here are just some positive could-have-beens, only if this contract never happened:
ü  Cheaper cost for thermal paper
ü  More jobs for Filipinos – and so people will spend more so there is stimulation of the economy leading to an increased GDP and an over all wealth increase
ü  The crisis in economy will get better
ü  Patriotism is practiced
ü  We, the Filipinos, could be the one handling a contract to clients across the world, instead of Australian company TMA. Hence, more business and money income for the country
ü  The 20% commission could have been not just commission, but the whole income goes to the Filipinos
ü  And a lot, lot, lot more (you do not expect me to give them all to you, do you?)

All the more that Morato has put himself on the spotlight when he secretly spent P7.2 Billion on advertising and PR. No wonder he is so famous today.
Intelligence funds? Really now. Funny how Morato drags Juico to the ground, almost making her too embarrassed to face the public. He accuses her of many wrongdoings as if he has never done anything. Because he was too eager to come out in the open and lambaste the present PCSO administration, his dark acts were discovered. I bet he wishes so bad for a fairy godmother to just take him back to that day before he got himself into this controversy.

Our country is not corrupt, but the officials and politicians are. It is true that corruption can not be avoided. Maybe there are some countries where corruption is less than how it is in the Philippines. But come to think of it, if our leaders and officials are all honest, then our economy will be better. Result? Then professionals do not need to work abroad. Labor force in our country won’t have to be exported. More investors will be attracted to put up businesses here. Ergo, more job opportunities for Filipinos. That means, there will be more money and projects will be properly implemented and that will make this country a better place to live.
Snap back to reality. This is not the case. There is inequality between those who are rich and poor. It is like an uncurable disease. It will stay there for as long as these people do not change – until we all come to an end. It is becoming a hopeless case.

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